Frequently Asked Questions

Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones.

The cost of a website varies according to its complexity. We are happy to discuss your needs and provide a quote at any time.

The time it takes to build a site depends on the complexity of the site. If you have a deadline, we will work difficult to meet. The most common cause of delay is the content (text / images) of the client.

Most of the time a meeting is not necessary and the work is completed only with telephone discussions and email. We upload our work to private websites that only customers can access. So we work with you for discuss the site and review the changes. The site is not made available to the public until it appears and works exactly as you wish.

No! We discuss your website requirements and pricing accordingly. After placing your order with us, we will adhere to our indicated price.

You can have as many pages as you want. In fact, the more the better from a search engine's point of view!

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